17 June 2010


Hey everybody, I´m back home in San Juan! I get to move into my new house today! Cross your fingers that I get a dog tomorrow.
I came back to a community in an uproar over some local government issues, so I´m on hold as far as projects go. To make a long story short, some community members formed a rebel government, but it´s not violent or anything. The whole thing will be sorted out next week, for better or for worse. Then I can get to work (when I know who I´ll be working with!) I´m trying to imagine how this sounds to yall back home. Maybe scary? It´s not really, but it does sort of feel like I´m in a movie at the moment, like I should have a soundtrack to capture the emotions of the moment.
Hope things are well at home and you´re enjoying the summer! Happy Father´s Day!


  1. So you leave us hanging...Did you move into the house? Did you get the dog? Is the rebellion over? Who won? And what would the soundtrack sound like? And, oh yeah, where are the photos?

    Hope all is well. Love, Mom

  2. Hi Becca,

    Oh my goodness, I remember in Uganda the village got into an uproar about a provision that would have made it illegal to hold market day at a particular location. These things seem to happen frequently!

    Hope all is well in your new home!


